Mohs Wound Closure & Skin Cancer Excision

Procedure time

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Recovery Time


Non-binding consultation

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Procedure time

Duration of results

Recovery Time


Non-binding consultation

Mohs Wound Closure and Skin Cancer Excision is a surgical procedure used to remove skin cancer while minimizing the removal of healthy tissue. The procedure is performed by a specialized surgeon called a Mohs surgeon. This procedure is often used for skin cancers that are located in areas where preserving normal tissue is important, such as the face, hands, feet, and genitals.

The procedure involves removing the visible cancerous tissue and then examining it under a microscope to ensure that all of the cancerous cells have been removed. If any cancerous cells remain, the process is repeated until clear margins are achieved. The wound is then closed using various techniques such as sutures, skin flaps, or skin grafts.

Mohs Wound Closure and Skin Cancer Excision is a highly effective treatment for skin cancer, with a high cure rate. The procedure allows for preservation of normal tissue while ensuring complete removal of cancerous cells. It's a specialized procedure that requires a skilled and trained surgeon to perform it. Recovery time depends on the size and location of the wound but most patients can expect to return to normal activities within a few weeks. The procedure can help to prevent recurrence of skin cancer and improve the appearance of the affected area.


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Mohs Wound Closure & Skin Cancer Excision


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